Sekret Network Recap & Presale Guide

Sekret Network
4 min readApr 27, 2021

As we are closer and closer to our presale on DxSale DeFi platform, we’ve compiled this short article to help you understand what is Sekret Network, what it does, what problems it solves and how, why should you invest in Sekret Network, and how to invest.

DxSale link:

What Is Sekret Network?

Sekret Network is a platform, built on top of Binance Smart Chain (or BSC for short), with its own BEP-20 token, Sekret. Sekret Network aims to empower adult entertainment workers by building a true, peer-to-peer, decentralized platform, where creators can share and monetize their content, interact with their fans, mint and sell their content in a form of Non-fungible tokens (or NFTs for short), create a source of passive income via 1% fee redistribution mechanism, and much more.

For more detailed information about Sekret Network, you can visit our Medium blog, or you can read our whitepaper v0.1 here.

Why Invest In Sekret Network?

Sekret Network aims to solve a real-world problem of adult content creators being robbed of their money by platforms, such as OnlyFans, that take 30–40% from their revenue in a form of various fees. Sekret Network created a platform, where content creators get 99% of the money their fans pay them, while the remaining 1% gets redistributed to all holders of Sekret token, creating a source of passive income for all participants and users of Sekret Network.

We want to create a blockchain-based business with mainstream appeal, that will have real user-base and generate revenue on a steady basis, where blockchain is not the core of our business, only a crutch, that will help us achieve our goals. And to achieve these goals, we must have first understand the industry, its employees and customers, speak their language, and choose the right marketing angle.

Presale Information:

DxSale link:

Contract: 0x4637472c917f5eac6fc101afbd10cad0fdedf866
Start date: Wednesday, April 28th, 2021, 12:00 PM GMT
End date: Saturday, May 1st, 2021, 12:00 PM GMT
Soft cap: 30 BNB
Hard cap: 150 BNB
Minimum contribution: 0.1 BNB
Maximum contribution: 5 BNB
Presale rate:
207,000 SKRT per 1 BNB
PancakeSwap listing rate: 145,00 SKRT per 1 BNB
PancakeSwap liquidity lock: 70%
PancakeSwap liquidity lock duration: 6 months (unlock date: October 28th, 2021)

How To Invest In Sekret Network?

Sekret Network’s presale is hosted on DxSale DeFi platform, decentralized, cross chain DAO token management platform, with automatic liquidity lock, and full transparency.

To participate in Sekret Network’s public presale, all you need is your capital (minimum of 0.1 BNB + fees), and MetaMask wallet.

MetaMask is a simple, easy to use web browser extension, which allows you to interact with Binance Smart Chain. You can find download links here: (MetaMask is available for Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Edge, as well as iOS and Android).

After you’ve downloaded MetaMask to your browser, simply create a new account. Before you proceed, don’t forget to save your private keys!

To be able to store BNB and interact with Binance Smart Chain, you need to add BSC into your MetaMask. To do that, visit this Binance Academy article, where you can find simple tutorial on how to make MetaMask work with BSC.

Once you’re done with the set-up, simply transfer your BNB into your MetaMask account, wait for the transaction to clear, and you’re good to go!

What now?

Now head to DeFi Launchpad on DxSale web:

Once you enter DxSale website, it will automatically ask you to connect your web3 wallet, i.e. MetaMask, which should automatically pop-up, asking for permission to connect. Connect your MetaMask to DxSale app. Once it’s connected, you’re good to go!

Once you’ve successfully connected your MetaMask wallet, you should see your wallet address and BNB balance (see picture above)

Once you’ve successfully connected your MetaMask wallet, just find and open Sekret Network presale card. Simply enter the amount of BNB you want to contribute, and click “Contribute” (red circle in picture below).

To contribute to Sekret Network presale, simply enter the amount of BNB you want to contribute into the field, and click “Contribute”.

Alternatively, you can watch this official video from DxSale, where they walk you through the whole process of investing:

I invested. What happens now?

Once the presale closes, you should see this on Sekret Network presale page:

Note: screen taken from the official DxSale presale card.

Simply click “CLAIM TOKENS” to transfer your SKRT tokens into your MetaMask wallet, or you can click “TRADE ON PANCAKESWAP” and you’ll be redirected to PancakeSwap, where you can trade with your SKRT tokens.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully participated in Sekret Network’s public presale, and became a proud Sekretian!

Immediately after the presale is closed, Sekret Network will be listed, and available for trading on PancakeSwap at a rate of 145,00 SKRT for 1 BNB (that is 30% gain for you right off the bat!).

And now that you are a part of Sekret Network’s family, don’t forget to follow us on social media, and be a part of Sekret Network’s future.




Sekret Network

Sekret.Network is a decentralized, P2P platform for adult content creators to share and monetize their content.